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Übersetzungen für catherine im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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cath·erine wheel [ˈkæθərɪnˌ(h)wi:l] SUBST

catherine wheel

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Sister Catherine
(in titles) Alexander/Catherine the Great
Catherine stood us all a drink

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It should look a bit like a Catherine wheel.
The light and firework show segued on from 7.45pm to a Catherine Wheel-riveted skyline against the backdrop of castle, bridge and court houses.
In 13 years, Catherine Wheels has shown 21 productions to an approximate total audience of 500,000.
There is also a Catherine wheel over it.
His arms were three gold parrots on a gold background, and had a crest of a silver Catherine wheel with two parrot wings behind it.
My hatred of fireworks dates back to 1986, when my father launched himself at a flaming Catherine wheel that had become stuck on a tree in the back garden.
Make suitable supports and launchers if you're setting off Catherine wheels or rockets on the night.
Tangerine is rolling out its Catherine Wheels in a twin-pack format for 39p.
The finest front in the high street is perhaps the Catherine Wheel (right) some of whose buildings at the rear are much older than 1700.
After all, surely curbing heavy industry comes before cutting Catherine Wheels?

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