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Übersetzungen für afterworld im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈafter·world SUBST no pl

the afterworld

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Those words, which more and more sound like reports from the afterworld, are built to last.
In this way, our lives in this plane of existence are encompassed, surrounded, by the afterworld already...
It's not that the meals were a foretaste of the paradisiacal afterworld, but during these meals the blur and frightening motion of the week was banished.
They are a relatively small ethnic group who are revered and feared for their abilities in conjuring spirits from the afterworld.
Although they generally keep to themselves, they threw a party in the summer, and convened a seance in a darkened room for the purpose of reaching out to the afterworld.
The later sections extend the living world into the afterworld, or bring the past and future into collision with the present.
Even in the afterworld, the ladies don't get a break.
What follows is an adventure in the afterworld.
Deceased persons are usually believed to go to a specific region or plane of existence in this afterworld, often depending on the rightness of their actions during life.
The term afterlife refers to the continuation of existence of the soul, spirit or mind of a human (or animal) after physical death, typically in a spiritual or ghostlike afterworld.

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