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Übersetzungen für atone im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . atone [əˈtəʊn, Am əˈtoʊn] VERB intr

II . atone [əˈtəʊn, Am əˈtoʊn] VERB trans

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to atone one's sins
to atone for a sin

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

However, she gradually comes to care for his well-being, especially after she confides in him about her past sins and her desire to atone.
Oh-soo races to uncover the truth, but he is also haunted by the sins of his past which he has been trying to atone for.
Is there any way to atone for my sin?
After this particular judgement, they are either escorted to heaven or sent into the maze of underworld levels and chambers to atone for their sins.
This snake pressures her to atone for what she did by finding the remains of the snake when it was alive.
To atone for his ten-year absence, he traveled to the mountains to spend time with her while training.
Wishing to atone for his fault, he takes on his friend's responsibilities and considers his friends sisters as his own sisters.
They were apparently made to atone for a rebellion that took place 746.
I tell my children that when they make a mistake, they should take responsibility, atone and work to repair whatever they have done...
For retributionists, punishment is backward-looking, justified by the crime that has been committed and carried out to atone for the damage already done.

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