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Übersetzungen für atonement im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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atone·ment [əˈtəʊnmənt, Am əˈtoʊn-] SUBST no pl form

Buße f <-, -n>
Day of Atonement (Christian)
Buß- und Bettag m <-(e)s> kein pl
Day of Atonement (Jewish)

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Day of Atonement

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They see this act as their form of atonement for their sins.
These class abilities can not be used again until the samurai finds proper atonement.
She demanded that young girls act the bear at her sanctuary in atonement for the bear's death.
She did so, and this was used for the atonement rituals.
The candlestick had seven lamps, and the acts of atonement and purification were accompanied by a sevenfold sprinkling.
They taught election on the basis of foreseen faith, a universal atonement, resistible grace, and the possibility of lapse from grace.
Others say that some models of the atonement naturally exclude each other.
Atonement typically involves a quest or undertaking by way of penance, but forced or accidental violations may waive this requirement.
There were instances of atonement for occasional spilling of blood among them.
Finally, as soon as society accepts his guilt, he feels the pleasure of atonement.

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