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Übersetzungen für bleeder im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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bleed·er [ˈbli:dəʳ, Am -ɚ] SUBST

1. bleeder Brit vulg:

Scheißkerl m <-s, -e> sl
Arschloch nt <-(e)s, -löcher> sl
ugs the poor bleeder!
you lucky bleeder!

2. bleeder (haemophiliac):

Bluter(in) m (f) <-s, ->

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

you lucky bleeder!
ugs the poor bleeder!

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Camel was a bleeder, causing more than one loss to his record to occur late in fights.
Blood is sometimes evident discharging from a horse's nostrils (epistaxis), however, epitaxis usually only occurs in 5% of bleeders.
The pump is used to pressurize the system to about 10psi, and the bleeder valves are opened one at a time until the fluid is clear of air.
Heavy bleeders may become tired and suffer shortness of breath and pain because of anaemia due to iron loss.
Six of the 19 charges dealt with a little-known bleeder valve that spewed coke oven gas with benzene into the air.
We've managed to unearth a massive choice of top-notch bargains for you lucky bleeders today but there's one deal that stands head and shoulders above the rest.
Diapers are another money bleeder.
The vampire leaders and bottom bleeders are the people who dangle those carrots in front of him.
Use of a bleeder this way is a common design strategy for power supplies of vacuum tube power amplifiers, for instance.
To avoid the risk of not having an operational bleeder, a secondary, slower (and less lossy) bleeder is usually permanently connected so that there is always some bleed-down capability.

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