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Übersetzungen für bridging loan im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈbridge loan SUBST Am (bridging loan)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This post referendum shock was also felt in the finance markets, including with our bridging loan investors.
Generally the bank will give you a bridging loan for at least part.
The company provided bridging loan-finance to high net worth individuals to build property portfolios, focusing mainly on projects which converted offices and hotels into flats.
He rejected the idea of a second bridging loan.
Loans were made through term loans, bridging loans and development and construction loans, in a mixture of first, second and third-ranking facilities.
I know someone who is now, against all financial advice, taking out a bridging loan to buy the house she loves.
Because his ex-partner needs the funds quickly, a bridging loan is another option.
Ford secured a line of credit in case they require a bridging loan in the near future.
It is almost like a bridging loan against the house, using other assets while the client waits for their deferred bonuses.
Some of his buyers are holding onto their current properties and using bridging loans to purchase their next home before they sell.

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