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bridg·ing fi·nance [ˈbrɪʤɪŋ-] SUBST FIN

ˈbridg·ing loan SUBST Brit, Aus

bridging credit SUBST INV-FIN

bridging credit

bridging finance SUBST INV-FIN


ˈbridg·ing cred·it SUBST no pl

bridging credit → bridging loan

I . bridge [brɪʤ] SUBST

2. bridge (dental structure):

3. bridge usu Sg (of nose):

4. bridge (of glasses):

5. bridge MUS (of instrument):

Steg m <-(e)s, -e>

6. bridge (on ship):

Kommandobrücke f <-, -n>

7. bridge no pl (card game):

Bridge nt <->

III . bridge [brɪʤ] VERB intr (in advertising)

ˈair bridge SUBST Brit

1. air bridge LUFTF:

Fluggastbrücke f <-, -n>
Gangway f <-, -s>

2. air bridge POL:

Luftbrücke f <-, -n>

auc·tion ˈbridge SUBST veraltet

Bailey bridge [ˈbeɪlibrɪʤ] SUBST MILIT

bridge-build·ing [ˈbrɪʤbɪldɪŋ] SUBST no pl

1. bridge-building (construction work):

2. bridge-building übtr (promotion of relations):

ˈbridge cred·it SUBST no pl FIN

ˈbridge loan SUBST Am (bridging loan)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Though typically used for property investment and development purposes, a quality bridging loan can be used to bridge almost any financial shortfall.
Once an applicant has filed a request for a bridging loan product, our team will start processing that claim almost immediately.
In 2005 the bridging segments, which cross over the roof of the station, were lowered.
First, the spiders release unusually large amounts of bridging silk into the air, which is then carried downwind, across the water body, establishing bridge lines.
Ford secured a line of credit in case they require a bridging loan in the near future.
Synthetic applications such as sintering of materials are also highly dependent on bridging effects resulting from capillary condensation.
Verification of a voltage reading is performed using a "low-impedance" voltmeter, which usually has a shunt resistor load bridging the voltmeter terminals.
We have our own historical consultants at the studio, which are key to bridging the gap from the blueprints to wireframe models.
The challenge lies in bridging different spatial and temporal scales: from tenths of nanometers to thousands of kilometers and from nanoseconds to years.
These ligands are usually terminal, but they might act as bridging ligands as well.

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