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con·tort·ed [kənˈtɔ:tɪd, Am -ˈtɔ:rt̬ɪd] ADJ

1. contorted (awry):

contorted hands
contorted limbs

2. contorted (false):

verdreht ugs abw

II . con·tort [kənˈtɔ:t, Am -ˈtɔ:rt] VERB trans

2. contort (abuse):

etw verdrehen ugs abw

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

contorted hands
contorted limbs
a face contorted by pain

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The mine consists of a straight, narrow corridor, gradually becoming wider and more contorted, in the end almost forming a botch.
The mine consists is linear, slender; highly contorted and pale brown.
The sandstone and quartzite beds of the upper member exhibit an abundance of complexly contorted, gnarly bedded, fluid expulsion structures and dramatic convolute bedding.
The later part of the mine is less strongly contorted.
The mine consists of a long, often contorted, narrow corridor that hardly widens towards the end.
They end up being melted in a fire and while holding hands, their shapes are contorted into the image of a heart.
The tract is contorted, turning several times in a small area.
He is the enemy of affected, stilted, contorted expressions.
It is a wide-spreading tree with distinctive twisted and contorted branches that are quite pendulous at their ends.
Occasionally recognizable emotive postures and gestures are used, notably contorted body shapes and facial expressions conveying ecstasy and perhaps more often, pain and silent shrieks.

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