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I . coop [ku:p] SUBST

Hühnerstall m <-(e)s, -ställe>


to fly the coop
sich Akk aus dem Staub machen ugs

II . coop [ku:p] VERB trans

ˈchick·en coop SUBST

ˈhen coop SUBST

hen coop
Hühnerstall m <-(e)s, -ställe>

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to fly the coop ugs
to coop up an animal

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

We return sales less a tiny amount, which the book coop retains for operational costs.
Chickens live inside the chicken coop, which may be upgraded to accommodate eight chickens and two incubators.
They brought a maid, a cook and a coop of live chickens with them.
It eventually became a chicken coop, and then was abandoned.
Residents form a nonprofit coop and apply for a charter from the province.
He had the house plumbing and electrical systems upgraded, and had a guest house and chicken coop built on the property.
The minter's coop had a long-time monopoly for monetary transactions, making them very influential with established close links to the monarchy.
The coop was then taxed on the rice it reportedly produced.
The chicken coop provides room for five birds but can be expanded like the farmhouse.
In agriculture, the kibbutz has an orchard of palm trees with an area of about 400 dunams and a coop for raising turkeys.

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