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Übersetzungen für corker im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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cork·er [ˈkɔ:kəʳ, Am ˈkɔ:rkɚ] SUBST scherzh dated ugs

corker (person)
corker (thing)
a corker of a goal/party
a corker of a story

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

a corker of a story
a corker of a goal/party

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Corker has voted against a cap-and-trade measure, but said he might accept a rational version of the legislation.
Corker has expressed skepticism regarding the claims of human-caused global warming.
Corker subsequently pulled ahead in the polls, and went on to win the election by less than three percentage points.
The twist at the end is a corker, but crucial questions remain unanswered.
Whilst this is happening, the corker vacuums the air out of the bottle to form a negative pressure "headspace".
Corker then walked away to his press conference.
Slow-burning pic takes a while to warm up, but once it gets going, it's a corker that could enchant as an ultra-niche release...
Corker stated that the visibility of his properties and public knowledge of his ownership in them served as another check on his actions as mayor.

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