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Übersetzungen für creativity im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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crea·tiv·ity [ˌkri:eɪˈtɪvəti, Am -ət̬i] SUBST no pl


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They integrate task, labor and knowledge, transcend classical separation of mental and manual work, enhance systems aspects, and promote self-reliance, self-service, innovation and creativity.
Classes are frequently addressed by internationally renowned speakers on such issues as contemporary issues as parenting, addictions, creativity, and new forms of spirituality.
He is acclaimed for his creativity in drum arrangements, including usage of odd devices for percussion effects and his trademark lengthy double-kick drum rhythms.
They interpreted these canvas paintings as indications of an intrinsic motivation toward abstract creativity, as expressed through an exploration of the visual field and color.
As we actually came to tell the tale, that's where the real creativity came in.
In 2007, the jury did not want to give an award for best script, and the artistic direction award was changed to artistic creativity.
Over time, the institute has established an internal culture of independence and creativity, but also of exacting standards and responsibility.
These networks place a high premium on meritocracy, integrity, self-directedness, creativity and transparency.
It advocates that a culture of creativity be embedded in how urban stakeholders operate.
Students participate in various visual/performing arts classes and their learning is enhanced through creativity.

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