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Übersetzungen für damp-proof im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈdamp-proof VERB trans

ˈdamp-proof course SUBST

damp-proof course → damp course

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

damp-proof course

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Even if these paving slabs have effectively breached the damp-proof course, it doesn't necessarily mean you will suffer damp.
He informed me that there were two areas of problem and the damp-proof course needed injecting from the outside -- no mess.
They then poured a new concrete floor with appropriate damp-proof membrane.
However, the deficiencies of any remedial damp-proof course will be more apparent if the wall is not covered with a waterproof render.
Engineering bricks can be used for damp-proof courses.
Your 1914 home will have been constructed with a built-in damp-proof course, and can not therefore be suffering from the mythical "rising damp".
A 5ft (1.5m) concrete fence post has been sunk into the ground and fixed to the exterior wall where the two houses meet, and bridges the damp-proof course.
This is not because of "bridging" of the damp-proof course (this is rare and much misunderstood by surveyors), but for two other very obvious reasons.
The gang cold-called elderly people and offered free property surveys that included damp-proof tests.
A damp-proof membrane is usually a black tar or asphalt compound that gets painted or rolled onto a typical concrete foundation.

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