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Übersetzungen für damp-proof course im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈdamp-proof course SUBST

damp-proof course → damp course

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The original purpose of wainscoting was to cover the lower part of walls, which, in houses constructed with poor or non-existent damp-proof courses, are often affected by rising dampness.
A 5ft (1.5m) concrete fence post has been sunk into the ground and fixed to the exterior wall where the two houses meet, and bridges the damp-proof course.
Older houses, such as depicted in the show, were built without damp-proof courses or with a barrier material that is liable to failure.
Your 1914 home will have been constructed with a built-in damp-proof course, and can not therefore be suffering from the mythical "rising damp".
Even if these paving slabs have effectively breached the damp-proof course, it doesn't necessarily mean you will suffer damp.
However, the deficiencies of any remedial damp-proof course will be more apparent if the wall is not covered with a waterproof render.
He informed me that there were two areas of problem and the damp-proof course needed injecting from the outside -- no mess.
The main reason for using birch bark was that when added in several layers, it acts as an efficient water- and damp-proof course.
This is not because of "bridging" of the damp-proof course (this is rare and much misunderstood by surveyors), but for two other very obvious reasons.
Once done, and dampness remains, the next step is to look for the presence of a damp-proof course.

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