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Übersetzungen für damsel im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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dam·sel [ˈdæmzəl] SUBST dated liter

Maid f <-, -en> veraltet scherzh
damsel in distress scherzh

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

damsel in distress scherzh

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Her powerful damsel in distress scream was used to good effect in several episodes.
The knights code of honour requires him to do whatever a damsel asks.
Penny in this series occasionally plays the damsel-in-distress role just like in the original series.
It starts with the same damsel-in-distress premise and four basic locations as the arcade game and then progresses to 97 additional puzzle-based levels.
She often plays the damsel in distress role within the series and is the lead female.
They were famous for their half-dressed damsels in distress, usually awaiting a rescuing hero.
The title is derived from a central scene where the damsel shares a pear which she has peeled with her teeth with the lover.
Comic books often featured characters being tied up and tying others up, particularly in damsel in distress plots.
The damsel is at first reluctant to allow a knight who has just been released from prison to attempt the trial.
Their care requirements, however, are closer to those of damsels.

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