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Übersetzungen für eat away im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . eat away VERB trans

1. eat away usu passive (erode) river, sea:

to eat sth away
to eat sth away
to eat sth away GEOL
etw abtragen [o. fachspr erodieren]

2. eat away MED:

to eat sth away

3. eat away (ruin):

to eat sth away

II . eat away VERB intr

1. eat away (erode) river, sea:

an etw Dat fressen
to eat away at sth GEOL
etw abtragen [o. fachspr erodieren]

2. eat away (undermine):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The bigger your online store gets the higher the costs will be and this will eat away at your profit margins.
They eat away at one's being and reopen constantly.
They eat away at trust and credibility -- for everyone.
It is a statistic that doesn't eat away at him as it might some others.
The parasite is contracted through sandfly bites and eat away at human immune cells until they're no longer strong enough to fight off bugs.
What does one do when insects invade the kitchen or slugs eat away at the vegetable garden, yet we don't want to harm them?
It's important to keep an eye on fees because they will eat away at returns over time.
While that won't prevent snow from accumulating, it can eat away at some of the snow that falls.
Once they were shaped, the chloroform would eat away at the thin styrene model parts, thus bonding them to the wooden understructure.
It really does eat away at my soul.

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