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Übersetzungen für encampment im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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en·camp·ment [ɪnˈkæmpmənt, Am enˈ-] SUBST

encampment (place)
Lager nt <-s, ->
encampment (living in camp)
Lagern nt

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

gypsy encampment
Zigeunerlager nt <-s, -> oft abw

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They also dealt with the organization of encampments.
With little action, many fighters took unauthorised leave or brought their families into the siege encampments.
The resistance fighters in these encampments were referred to as "maquisards".
Suitors come to the encampment of the woman to prove their interest, stamina, and attractiveness.
In order to control access to the encampment, there is only one entry/exit to the camp that is guarded at all times.
During this year he also served as an engineer consultant for the army encampments and for the bureau of mines.
Part of the encampment was washed away by flash flooding.
He described the winter encampment there as jolly, tempting some men to endeavor to cook a stray cat they found.
The number of these encampments has varied over time.
Like other nomadic groups, they lived primarily in unforitified encampments.

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