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Übersetzungen für enervate im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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en·er·vate [ˈenəveɪt, Am ˈenɚ-] VERB trans liter

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Its crushed leaves and stems are used to enervate bees while gathering honey.
And the brain might adapt to those enervating and hypoxic workouts, producing faster race results at sea level.
It also uses functional electrical stimulation to enervate the muscles of paralyzed patients, improving their strength and circulation, and can be quickly disassembled for easy removal.
Exhausted due to hard work and restless due to thirst the king became enervated in search of river or lake.
While ensnaring them with their ingratiating talk and enervating riches, they have drawn the far-dwelling peoples nearer to themselves.
Others become so enervated, they can't lift the page to see the next chapter.
He is, as you would hope, the forgiving kind, but he does find it enervating quite how often his words are twisted.
His style can be classically beautiful or experimental and savage, enormously effective or totally enervating... sometimes all within the same film.
The army had been thinned by desertion and was enervated by long ill-discipline.
She called the stories so pared down, so reduced to wistful contemplation that it is almost enervating.

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