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Übersetzungen für evocatively im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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evoca·tive·ly [ɪˈvɒkətɪvli, Am ɪˈvɑ:kət̬-] ADV

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to read evocatively
to write evocatively of sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In here, the wash is double-distilled -- in the evocatively named "wash" and "spirit" stills -- until it is ready to be put into barrels.
It evocatively describes the fatigue of age conquering the restlessness of youth.
Smith later wrote evocatively about the highs and lows of growing up in such an environment.
It is the most evocatively emotional shape with the singular power to suggest, evoke and symbolize the universal emotion of love.
Within this disk, solid particles (evocatively named "dust") collide and progressively grow to asteroid-sized bodies.
He spoke evocatively of finding the first office, the first employees and the first cars to build the business.
This is a dark world full of evocatively sordid cityscapes and war-ravaged landscape.
Giraffe, pyramid and lyre pianos were arranged in a somewhat similar fashion in evocatively shaped cases.
That album, his solo debut, introduced a language-drunk master, muttering intricately worded head-smack threats under his breath over spectral boom-bap that flickered and smoldered evocatively.
The ironclad object is drawn so evocatively that it's at the point of morphing into a purely abstract shape being enveloped by the surrounding atmosphere.

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