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Übersetzungen für falsehood im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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false·hood [ˈfɔ:ls(h)ʊd, Am ˈfɑ:lshʊd] SUBST

1. falsehood no pl (not truth):

Unwahrheit f <-, -en>
falsehood of a person

2. falsehood form (lie):

Unwahrheit f <-, -en> euph geh
injurious [or malicious]falsehood JUR
Rufschädigung f <-, -en>
to tell a falsehood

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to tell a falsehood
to utter a falsehood
injurious [or malicious]falsehood JUR
Rufschädigung f <-, -en>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Thus, truth is all-encompassing, while falsehood is narrow and deceiving.
It inspired him to raise his voice against falsehood, and pitted him in a grim struggle against the lords of disbelief, evil and iniquity.
Malicious falsehood is a false statement made maliciously that causes damage to the claimant.
Treating 65-year-olds differently because of stereotypes or falsehoods would be ageist; treating them differently because they have already had more life-years is not.
Also, the mind is not corrupted simply by encountering falsehood.
Conflicting falsehoods we can comprehend; but truths can never war against each other.
He deplored the cataract of unworthy suggestions and of actual falsehoods which have been poured out to the public during the last few days.
By 1508 the chronicler says that to avoid falsehood in court led.
When investigating beliefs, researchers should be impartial to the (a posteriori attributed) truth or falsehood of those beliefs, and the explanations should be unbiased.
Historical materialism uses materialism to make two separate points, where the truth or falsehood of one point does not affect the others.

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