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Übersetzungen für forfend im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Deutsch » Englisch)
to forfend sth (to prevent sth) Am
to forfend sth (to prevent sth) Am
to forfend sth (to keep sth away) Am
Heaven/God forfend (that) ...

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Although in an increasingly insane world perhaps we should pay more attention to those thoughts and his bizarre utterances -- heaven forfend!
Or, heaven forfend, is one to look forward to just more of the same?
I think a lot of people just held their noses about the other stuff... and heaven forfend, this is what we have.
It's as if birds, above everything else in the living kingdom, deserve some kind of higher, near-biblical status, and heaven forfend anyone who dares think otherwise.
Beck-recommended books sometimes sell as well as, heaven forfend, textbooks.
Heaven forfend if we had had to buy a new one.
Heaven forfend we acknowledge the baby boomer's have bequeathed us a sinking economy, an imperiled environment and a society where owning property isn't possible unless we make sacrifices.
Heaven forfend that such go-it-alone women should ever render men redundant.
In the same way, contextually aware sales apps can push data to the wrist of a representative, eliminating the need to check a handheld or, heavens forfend, a laptop.
How sad - now some of those prisoners will have to go to prisons with a less homely atmosphere - heaven forfend that it might put them off future stays...

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