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Übersetzungen für gaydar im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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gay·dar [ˈgeɪdɑ:ʳ, Am -dɑ:r] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But, in terms of acting, we're really talking about a set of behavioral traits, interests, or "mannerisms" -- the stuff that's meant to set off a well-tuned gaydar.
This suggests that, for straight women, gaydar is more finely tuned close to ovulation when it's relevant -- i.e. when a potential mate is on the scene.
This suggests accurate gaydar accounted for 4 percent to 6 percent of the variance in estimates.
It makes me scream laughing, their gaydar is so broken!
Rule says we still don't know exactly how women sharpen their gaydar.
For the gaydar study, scientists tracked the fertility cycles of 40 heterosexual female undergraduate students and asked them to judge photos of 80 men's faces.
And this is the problem, more generally, with using personal-ad photos in gaydar experiments.
We can not ignore mandate for a dinner meeting of men, nor its baser cousins bromance, gaydar, and staycation.
Just cause the gaydar is going off, doesn't mean your instruments aren't faulty.
People seem not to know that they have gaydar, though.

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