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Übersetzungen für geld im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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geld [geld] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Horses that are ridglings are usually gelded, though owners of a prized animal may opt for surgery to preserve the value as a breeding stallion.
The village is listed as a very small settlement, with only four households, but has a quite large taxable value of 6 geld units.
It consisted of around 31 families, including at least 15 freemen, and paid 3 geld in taxation.
Taxation was also an option, although the old geld tax was increasingly ineffective due to a growing number of exemptions.
Late in his two year-old season, he was very hard to handle, so his owners had him gelded.
Geld was levied at intervals on the existing hidage assessments.
The total tax assessed was 6 geld units which is quite large compared to the population.
It is recorded as having quite a large population of 34 households, and it paid substantial taxes of eight geld units.
She had a hall, and two carucates and land for threeploughs without geld, and 111 burgesses.
There are 24 hides paying geld, 5 of these are waste.

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