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I . gut·ter [ˈgʌtəʳ, Am -t̬ɚ] SUBST

1. gutter (trough):

gutter of road
Rinnstein m <-(e)s, -e>
gutter of road
Gosse f <-, -n>
gutter of roof
Dachrinne f <-, -n>
gutter of roof
Dachkännel m <-s, -> CH
gutter of roof
Regenrinne f <-, -n>
gutter übtr
Gosse f <-, -n> abw

2. gutter TYPO (in printing):

Steg m <-(e)s, -e>

II . gut·ter [ˈgʌtəʳ, Am -t̬ɚ] VERB intr

gutter candle, flame:

to gutter [out]

gut·ter ˈjour·nal·ism SUBST no pl

gut·ter ˈpress SUBST no pl esp Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They are the wind that blows newspapers down a gutter on a windy night -- and sweeps the gutter clean.
Some self-identified gutter punks may distinguish themselves from crusties and vice versa.
The photographers credit, which appeared as fine print in the magazine page's gutter, was cut off from the picture uploaded to the website.
The total contract, including grading and gutters, amounted to $18,000.
Seriously, this is some of the weirdest, most intense music ever to blast from the gutters.
His speech consists of obscene gutter-slang, and his head has been rendered hairless and studded with steel rivets.
The water was provided by gutters directing rain water into an enormous tank on the third floor.
Soldering is the preferred joining method where strong, watertight joints are required, such as for internal gutters, roofing, and flashing applications.
The system of gutters was changed to increase the water supply.
His character had to reach the gutter before he could be put on the straight and narrow again.

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