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Übersetzungen für holier-than-thou im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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holier-than-thou [ˌhəʊliəðənˈðaʊ, Am ˌhoʊliɚ-] ADJ abw

holier-than-thou attitude
holier-than-thou person

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The easier route is for us to be judgmental, especially of celebrities, and to don our holier-than-thou hats.
The holier-than-thou smuggos are apparently trying to reclaim family time in this era of constant distractions.
While masses came out in support, others were quick to sneer at her supposed declaration of holier-than-thou perfection.
There was a holier-than-thou attitude, a pious presumption against bringing something so monstrous into the classroom.
A holier-than-thou woman can be a turn-off indeed.
Yet these are the holier-than-thou campaigners who claim to be opposed to secret, underhand deals between politicians and the media!
There could be a feint toward something else entirely, in the hopes of shocking even us unflappable, holier-than-thou book fans.
And frankly, their holier-than-thou preaching is turning me off, too.
No one wants to be called ungrateful, holier-than-thou, or inggitero.
These people want to act holier-than-thou as long as they aren't the ones having to deal with the situation, but the facts aren't fun.

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