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Übersetzungen für knockdown im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈknock·down ADJ attr, inv

1. knockdown (very cheap):

knockdown price
Spottpreis m <-es, -e> ugs
knockdown price
Schleuderpreis m <-es, -e> ugs
knockdown price (at auction)

2. knockdown (physically violent):

a knockdown argument
knockdown blow BOXEN
Niederschlag m <-(e)s, -schläge> fachspr
knockdown blow BOXEN
K.-o.-Schlag m
a knockdown fight

3. knockdown (easily dismantled):


Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

knockdown price
Spottpreis m <-es, -e> ugs
knockdown blow BOXEN
Niederschlag m <-(e)s, -schläge> fachspr
a knockdown argument
a knockdown fight

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He dropped him with a right uppercut first, the second knockdown came by a right hook.
Standing eight counts by the referee are scored the same as a knockdown, whether the boxer was knocked down or not.
Gill won every round of the fight as well as scoring a knockdown in the fourth round.
The second knockdown came from a right hook.
He graded 82 percent for blocking consistency as a sophomore and produced 76 knockdown blocks the following season.
He delivered 66 knockdowns and graded 85.42 percent for blocking consistency.
In 11 regular season games, he played 775 snaps with 49 knockdowns.
The fight went the full 12 rounds with neither man being able to score a knockdown.
The two men traded punches for nearly the entire final minute of the round, but both men survived without any further knockdowns.
Under the rules, the timekeeper is supposed to start the count at the time of a knockdown.

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