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moan·er [ˈməʊnəʳ, Am ˈmoʊnɚ] SUBST

Nörgler(in) m (f) <-s, ->

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I'm not sure whether the moaners will ever see it, but here's the ultimate truth.
I know my boy, he's never normally a moaner.
I am sick of all the moaners in the game.
Just take the cuts like everyone else, so unattractive and distasteful to have to read about the moaners all the time.
Either come up with a different moan, or move aside to make way for newer, younger moaners.
You can play the pedant game all you like, but a guy with this track record deserves to be labeled as a moaner.
These self-appointed unelected moaners seem to think that they speak for everyone else.
Never mind how many people had the holiday of a lifetime -- what about the lone moaner whose breakfast was cold?
She can't be doing with moaners, and people who give up, or wait for other people to do things for them.
Moaner fades out on this album, despite being the full length version of the song.

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