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mo1 SUBST Am

mo Abkürzung von month

mo2 [məʊ, Am moʊ] SUBST ugs

mo kurz für moment

Moment m <-(e)s, -e>
wait a mo!

MO1 [ˌemˈəʊ, Am -ˈoʊ] SUBST

MO Abkürzung von medical officer

Stabsarzt(-ärztin) m (f) <-es, -ärzte>

MO2 [ˌemˈəʊ, Am -ˈoʊ] SUBST esp Am

MO Abkürzung von money order

MO3 [ˌemˈəʊ, Am -ˈoʊ] SUBST

MO Abkürzung von modus operandi


medi·cal ˈof·fic·er SUBST, MO SUBST Brit

Amtsarzt(-ärztin) m (f) <-(e)s, -ärzte; -, -nen>

ˈmon·ey or·der SUBST, MO SUBST esp Am, Aus

Mo. Am

Mo Abkürzung von Missouri

Big ˈMo SUBST Am ugs

slo-mo1 [ˈsləʊməʊ, Am ˈsloʊmoʊ] SUBST ugs

slo-mo kurz für slow motion

slo-mo2 [ˈsləʊməʊ, Am ˈsloʊmoʊ] SUBST esp Brit abw sl (person)

lahme Ente ugs scherzh

I . slow-mo [Am ˈsloʊmoʊ] esp Am SUBST no pl FILM

II . slow-mo [Am ˈsloʊmoʊ] esp Am ADJ FILM

slow-mo ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But in the end everybody was happy with their MO.
The MO-1 was a shoulder-wing cantilever monoplane with a slab-sided fuselage and a fixed tailwheel landing gear.
It also comments that predicting bond angles in methane with MO theory is not straightforward.
He also performed the first MO calculations of the acidity and basicity of aromatic molecules in excited states.
This varying structure can often make it difficult to identify the groups as each has a different MO and scale.
When viewed down the bond axis, a MO has a circular symmetry, hence resembling a similarly sounding s atomic orbital.

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