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Übersetzungen für notification procedure im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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no·ti·fi·ˈca·tion pro·cedure SUBST ADMIN

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They will explain about the notification procedures which the regulations require you to follow at various stages of the work -- e.g. in connection with foundations, damp proof courses and drains.
Where time frames in question are unduly short or notification procedures are unduly onerous, these conditions may be considered to be unfair.
This will have the effect of greatly simplifying the notification procedure and reducing the costs involved.
When the radar target failed to return, and no other transmissions were heard from the flight, accident notification procedures were initiated at 20:15.
Most field trials are approved under the notification procedure.
We have reviewed our family notification procedures with management.
Sanctions may be applied if workers fail to follow the company's reasonable sickness absence notification procedures, which are in line with industry best practice.

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