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Übersetzungen für perspicacity im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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per·spi·cac·ity [ˌpɜ:spɪˈkæsəti, Am ˌpɜ:rspɪˈkæsət̬i] SUBST no pl form

perspicacity (astuteness)
Scharfsinn m <-(e)s> kein pl
perspicacity (insight)
perspicacity (far-sightedness)
Weitblick m <-(e)s> kein pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Some people obviously just don't seem to possess the spiritual perspicacity or intelligence to enable them to discern what's at stake here.
And for all his perspicacity, there is that detectable strain of paradox in his work.
It must be rich in obfuscation and perspicacity.
It rounded off a festival which reacted to and explored its setting with perspicacity, humour and just a dash of anarchy.
A man of inner perspicacity, in the years of success he was said to have lost his outer vision and thus acquired the name, blind.
Sometime it's just because they have perspicacity to the extreme.
Her mobile, animated face is alight with curiosity, perspicacity and amusement.
A wonderful article written with a clarity of thought and perspicacity that is sadly lacking in much of the energy debate today.
Thank you for tolerance, perspicacity, understanding, insight and fill in the rest.
His identification of many puzzling pieces were a testimony to his rare powers of observation and perspicacity.

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