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Übersetzungen für polka-dot im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈpol·ka-dot ADJ attr

a polka-dot bow tie

ˈpol·ka dot SUBST usu pl

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

a polka-dot bow tie
Tupfen-/Streifen-/Schottenmuster nt

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The polka-dot batfish has an elongated rostrum (a unicorn-like projection between the eyes) on its large bony head.
On this day she wears a breezy black polka-dot dress and high heels.
One has a large blue streak in it, the other has a polka-dot pattern on the inside consisting of black spots on a dark grey background.
The guest rooms contain beds covered in white stripes and paisley, as well as blue and gray polka-dot headboards.
There were many variants on the waistcoat and cravat - the most recognized and earliest is the knitted brown waistcoat with a turquoise polka-dot cravat.
After all, kids don't care whether the polka-dot napkins coordinate with the helium balloons.
Dream come true to have the polka-dot jersey!
A series of polka-dot print scarves also stood out.
The accompanying music videos featured a polka-dot motif in the costumes and production design.
He wears a derby and a red polka-dot bowtie around his neck.

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