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rab·ble [ˈræbl̩] SUBST no pl abw

1. rabble (disorderly group):


2. rabble (mob):

the rabble
der Mob abw
the rabble
der Pöbel abw

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He is not to be dismissed as a mere rabble-rouser or as the leader of a gang of boodlers....
When she is knocked unconscious in a riot, he takes her out of the rabble and onto a train car.
In 2005, rabble was incorporated as its own non-for-profit organization.
He immediately abandons his rabble-rousing reformist stance and decides to buy property in the slums.
Rabble described the book as a startlingly accurate portrait of young adulthood.
To plunder or conquer a city, only hoplites, horsemen or special forces may be sent - rabble can't leave the player's city.
These false claims were spread by local white officials and rabble rousers.
In other words, it has been reborn, and the tales invented by the fools and the rabble have been exposed.
The mob consisted of around 4 000 men, who were said to be a rabble made up chiefly of foreigners.
The opening in the cliffs is guarded by anti-aircraft artillery, preventing flying rabble-rousers or air pirates from entering the city.

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