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Übersetzungen für 3 0 im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . re·ap·ply <-ie-> [ˌri:əˈplaɪ] VERB intr

to reapply for sth
to reapply for sth JUR

II . re·ap·ply <-ie-> [ˌri:əˈplaɪ] VERB trans

1. reapply (apply differently):

to reapply a principle/rule

2. reapply (spread again):

to reapply sth

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to reapply a principle/rule

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Like all applicants, scholarship recipients are required to reapply annually.
However, the two lowest placed teams have to reapply to take part the following season.
A scholar could only be granted a scholarship once and could not reapply.
The tape does not last and must be reapplied after a few hours.
Convergent thinking emphasizes speed, accuracy, and logic and focuses on recognizing the familiar, reapplying techniques, and accumulating stored information.
On startup, the journal is read and each event is reapplied to the system, avoiding data loss in the case of system failure or shutdown.
Once techniques are perfected in these smaller settings, craftspersons and hobbyists often reapply them to larger projects.
Reapply the polish if areas begin to show wear over time.
If, after having applied criteria 13, teams still have an equal ranking, criteria 13 are reapplied to determine their final ranking.
Again the shoes were lifted and the burning stopped and again power was reapplied, and the fire restarted.

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