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Übersetzungen für resting place im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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rest·ing place [ˈrestɪŋ-] SUBST

1. resting place euph (burial place):

2. resting place (place to relax):

Rastplatz m <-es, -plätze>

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The car hit hard on the driver's side before a trail of sparks led to its final resting place in the infield grass.
From other families there are 32 spouses, plus four others, who have found their resting place here.
A further source of evidence, to assist in locating the final resting place of the aircraft, is analysis of underwater sound recordings.
The cemetery on the old colony site still serves as the final resting place for some of the colonists.
It is the final resting place for the cremains of a number of noted persons.
The death rituals close as "klihbri" addresses the spirit and sends it to its resting place, after which the hilltop shrine is dismantled.
Near the waterfalls are shady tea gardens providing a pleasant resting place.
Only two years later, in 1653, was the body transported to its final resting place.
The vault was designed to be a resting place for the remains until a grand monument could be erected.

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