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Übersetzungen für spigot im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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spig·ot [ˈspɪgət] SUBST

1. spigot (stopper):

Zapfen m <-s, ->

2. spigot Am (faucet):

Wasserhahn m <-(e)s, -hähne>
to turn off the spigot of sth Am übtr
etw (dat) den Hahn zudrehen übtr
to turn off the spigot of sth Am übtr

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to turn off the spigot of sth Am übtr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There is one additional gold contact pin surrounding the rewind spigot, that joins with the electrical connection on the base of the camera.
Steel joint rings, a bell ring on one end and a spigot ring on the other, are welded to the ends of the steel cylinder.
There are some camper trailers there, and some water spigots around the site.
Propellant was placed at the top of the spigot and ignited when the projectile slid far enough down the spigot to complete the electrical circuit.
Another variation allows for the drinker to manage the spigot him/herself and slap the bag as a ceremonial finish.
The families lived in quonset huts erected in a muddy field with just four public spigots providing water for all of them.
Often a large glass container suspended above the table held between two and six spigots.
It would, however, have produced silk from a series of silk gland openings, or spigots, located across plates on the underside of the abdomen.
There is a restroom and water spigot at the junction.
A vortex is formed, and the high density reject forced to the outside to the underflow orifice discharge, also called the spigot.

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