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sus·pend·er [səˈspendəʳ, Am -ɚ] SUBST

1. suspender (for stockings):

2. suspender Am (braces):

suspenders pl

3. suspender Brit dated (for men's socks):

sus·ˈpend·er belt SUBST Brit, Aus

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

he wears suspenders to keep his pants up

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The duo started off with two introductory products: surcingle belts, which were popular due to their unique vibrant colors and stripes, and classic suspenders.
The eyelets along the top of the individual equipment belt are for attaching the individual equipment belt suspenders.
I could say that these suspenders should be thinner, or this skirt should be worn with an extra petticoat, or have a bow added.
An exercise he invented involved a long jump where athletes would run and jump high into the air wearing weighted suspenders.
Some followers disagreed with entering the world of commerce but the shops were successful, selling everything from soap to suspenders, bacon to bootlaces.
Men frequently wear a single suspender to avoid any pride associated with two matching suspenders.
The medals and ribbon suspenders were minted separately and soldered together.
The most popular items bought by men are silk stockings, suspenders and negligees for their lover.
The latter are built around bustiers on top and garter belts with suspenders that hold up silk stockings.
Nevertheless, suspenders continue to be used by wearers who prefer not to wear tights for health reasons.

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