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Übersetzungen für tenure-track im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The university has over 90,000 alumni graduates, 17 athletic sports and 614 tenured and tenure-track faculty.
Ninety-nine percent of the tenured or tenure-track faculty hold doctorate or highest degree in their fields.
There are nearly 1,600 tenured or tenure-track professors teaching at the university.
The student-faculty ratio is 16:1 and 100% of the school's tenure-track faculty hold tertiary degrees.
However, she had been unable to win a tenure-track position, possibly because of her gender and marital status, according to one view.
A faculty of 222 tenured and tenure-track faculty members in 24 departments serves 4678 undergraduates.
She was never offered tenure or a tenure-track position.
Eighty-seven percent of the faculty are full-time, and 100% of the tenure-track faculty hold terminal degrees.
These ranks are traditionally not tenure-track and may emphasize professional practise rather than scholarly research.
In fact, the small supply of the professional positions in academia compared to the growing number of postdocs makes it difficult to find tenure-track positions.

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