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Übersetzungen für tousle im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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tou·sle [ˈtaʊzl̩] VERB trans

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to tousle one's hair

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She wore her hair, currently midnight blue-hued, long and tousled.
She has tousled auburn hair and bites her bottom lip when uncomfortable or worried.
Four of the band members wore white shirts, black blazers, tousled hair, and beards in various stages of unfullness.
Perspiration is constantly trickling down its casts' brows, necks and cheeks; it tousles their hair and makes their clothes stick to their skin.
His moppy hair is tousled in dust, blood stains the neckline and sleeves of his shirt.
He is described as a young boy with a wild tousle of red hair, a thin, extravagantly freckled face and upturned nose.
The older students tousle the hair of the younger ones or give them a high-five on their way pastever mindful that they are heroes in those little eyes.
Once completed, lightly brush out your curls to achieve an effortless, tousled look.
He is wearing slovenly attire, his hair is tousled and his face sports a beard shadow.
On the show, she had perfectly tousled beach waves and a bohemian style that went along brilliantly with her whole vibe.

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