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Übersetzungen für turnround im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈturn·round SUBST no pl Brit

turnround → turnaround

ˈturn·around, Am ˈturn·round SUBST no pl

1. turnaround:

Wende f <-, -n>
Umschwung m <-(e)s, -schwün·ge>
Aufschwung m <-s, -schwün·ge>
Kehrtwendung f <-, -en>

3. turnaround WIRTSCH (sold goods):

5. turnaround (making a company profitable again):

Sanierung f <-, -en>

6. turnaround LUFTF:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Strong commodity prices have been central to the turnround, but other factors have played a part.
Today, there has been a significant turnround; the centre has roughly half a million sterling in the bank and runs at a negligible loss each month.
Recently, though, there has been a turnround.
But unless it can convince investors of their value or show rapid evidence of an electronics turnround, it should.
While hardly a global capital of cool, this beautiful city is experiencing a surprising turnround.
I believe that in six months we will start to see a turnround.
So the turnround in growth over the past 18 months is as much evidence against austerity as it is pro-austerity.
The subsequent turnround has been spurred by growing global demand for staples like rice, soy and meat, which has revived and revitalised the capital's fortunes.
On the other hand, bullish investors should be cautious of any near-term turnround.
Yet even that turnround may come to be seen as leisurely in the new world of publishing.

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