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Übersetzungen für wage bill im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈwage bill SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Gate receipts had increased to 26,666 and the wage bill had risen drastically to 13,647.
The wage bill stood at 59,663, whilst the club's debt was at 44,721, along with 57,860 owed to the directors.
Under pressure, the employer may be forced into considering reducing its wage bill by restructuring the organisation, which may mean dismissing some employees.
The two proposals consist of a break-even rule and a cap on the amount clubs can increase their wage bill by each season.
Aiming to make a 500 the following season, the director's announced a cut in the wage bill to the tune of 3,000.
He made it clear that the directors could not continue funding a loss-making enterprise, and the only viable solution was to reduce the wage bill.
His major challenge has been high cost of living, rising public debt, and a high public wage bill.
The new cap was slightly higher than the highest official wage bill in the 200910 season.
For example, financial hardship has sometimes occurred in leagues where clubs do not reduce their wage bill once relegated.
The club removed eleven players who had made first team appearances from the wage bill on permanent and loan deals.

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