wage bill im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für wage bill im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.bill1 [Brit bɪl, Am bɪl] SUBST

I.bill2 [Brit bɪl, Am bɪl] SUBST

bill3 [Brit bɪl, Am bɪl] SUBST

I.wage [Brit weɪdʒ, Am weɪdʒ] SUBST wages

II.wage [Brit weɪdʒ, Am weɪdʒ] VERB trans

wage bill im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für wage bill im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Aiming to make a 500 the following season, the director's announced a cut in the wage bill to the tune of 3,000.
The new cap was slightly higher than the highest official wage bill in the 200910 season.
In terms of budgets, in terms of facilities and in terms of wage bill.
The 1902-3 season the directors were shocked by a loss 151 caused by a wage bill that had gone up by 50 per cent.
Nor is it possible for an employer to give a worker rolled up holiday pay, for instance an additional 12.5% in a wage bill, in lieu of taking actual holidays.
The wage bill had also risen by 20% to over 40,000.
League football had brought 20,872 in gross gate receipts, with the wage bill at 8,927.
His major challenge has been high cost of living, rising public debt, and a high public wage bill.
The wage bill had also fallen to 367,836.
He made it clear that the directors could not continue funding a loss-making enterprise, and the only viable solution was to reduce the wage bill.

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