good im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für good im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.good <compar. better, superl. best> [Brit ɡʊd, Am ɡʊd] ADJ

14. good (competent):

she's a good swimmer

II.good [Brit ɡʊd, Am ɡʊd] SUBST

2. good (benefit):

much good may it do him!
to be all to the good

IV.good [Brit ɡʊd, Am ɡʊd] INTERJ

good-humoured, good-humored [Brit ˌɡʊdˈhjuːməd, Am ˈɡʊdˌ(h)jumərd] ADJ

good-humouredly, good-humoredly [Brit ˌɡʊdˈhjuːmədli, Am ˈɡʊdˌ(h)jumərdli] ADV

good-natured [Brit ˌɡʊdˈneɪtʃəd, Am ɡʊdˈneɪtʃərd] ADJ

I.good afternoon [Brit, Am ɡʊd ˈˌæftərˈnun] SUBST

II.good afternoon [Brit, Am ɡʊd ˈˌæftərˈnun] INTERJ

feel-good [Brit ˈfiːlɡʊd, Am ˈfilɡʊd] ADJ abw

good-looker [Brit ˌɡʊdˈlʊkə, Am ˈɡʊd ˈˌlʊkər] SUBST ugs

no-good [Brit ˌnəʊˈɡʊd, Am ˈˌnoʊ ˈɡʊd] ADJ Am ugs

good-naturedly [Brit ˌɡʊdˈneɪtʃədli, Am ˈɡʊd ˈˌneɪtʃərdli] ADV

good-hearted [Brit, Am ˈˌɡʊd ˈˌhɑrdəd] ADJ

good im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für good im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.good <better, best> [gʊd] ADJ

III.good [gʊd] ADV ugs (well)

good-sized <better-sized, best-sized> [ˌgʊd·ˈsaɪzd] ADJ

good-looking <better-looking, best-looking> [ˌgʊd·ˈlʊ·kɪŋ] ADJ

good-natured <better-natured, best-natured> ADJ

good-tempered <better-tempered, best-tempered> [ˌgʊd·ˈtem·pɚd] ADJ unreg

I.good-for-nothing [ˈgʊd··ˌnʌ·θɪŋ] SUBST

II.good-for-nothing [ˈgʊd··ˌnʌ·θɪŋ] ADJ

good Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

I had a good screw last night
to put in a good word for sb
good afternoon, good evening

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It has been nice to be in the company of so many international players and it's good to share the dressing room with them.
For example, if one claims or implies with their speech act that it is raining outside, a good reason for claiming this is that one saw it out the window.
For the second goal, one dead PLO operative was as good as another.
This batch of tunes could be used in much the same way, and includes some characters who would probably benefit mightily, if temporarily, from a good antifogmatic.
Like a good door-to-door salesman, there was a kernel of truth to his pitch, but he amplified and embellished the facts to sell his product.
Frustrated technophobes grumble at wired enthusiasts during many shows, and with good reason.
We have good relations with our customers -- but you can still get hammered by a new purchasing manager.
It is also good for parents of young children because the water doesn't get much deeper than knee-deep along the shore.
Another must is a good eye for detail to spot blemished bodywork or crash damage, and preferably some mechanical know-how, or a friend with some.
He claims that there is no good or evil, but rather only good or bad art.

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