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Übersetzungen für water closet im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈwa·ter clos·et SUBST

WC nt <-(s), -s>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Instead, a special closet auger (from water closet) should be used.
He was, however, in the forefront of the industry in the late 19th century, and held nine patents, three of them for water closet improvements such as the floating ballcock.
The duties of the office involved waiting on the king when he ate in private, helping him to dress, guarding the bedchamber and water closet, and providing companionship.
In those references, it was used as a water closet or potty (or more accurately a commode).
In the days before the indoor water closet she may have been required to empty and clean the servants' chamber pots as well.
Before its transformation into a rather decadent water closet, the room was part of the servants' quarters.
Although the water closet was used in wealthy homes, concerns over river pollution, costs and available water supplies meant that most towns and cities chose more labour-intensive dry conservancy systems.
Additional structures were constructed at the site over time, including a station master's house, water tower, water closet, and a second depot for freight located farther to the north.
It was one of the earliest single-cell prisons in the land; each cell was 13ft m by convert17 by 9 ft high and each had a water closet.
The name comes from the term water closet, the traditional name for a toilet.

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