assignment im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für assignment im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Italienisch»Englisch)

assignment [Brit əˈsʌɪnm(ə)nt, Am əˈsaɪnmənt] SUBST

Weitere Übersetzungen und typische Wortverbindungen mit dem Suchbegriff
journalistic assignment, ethics

Übersetzungen für assignment im Italienisch»Englisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Englisch»Italienisch)

assignment im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für assignment im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Italienisch»Englisch)

Übersetzungen für assignment im Italienisch»Englisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Englisch»Italienisch)

Weitere Übersetzungen und typische Wortverbindungen mit dem Suchbegriff
assignment of grades at the end of a term

assignment Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

foreign assignment
diplomatic assignment
to send sb on an assignment
an assignment to do sth
assignment of grades at the end of a term

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It provides graduate level instruction to senior military officers and civilians to prepare them for senior leadership assignments and responsibilities.
They held assignments of land or revenue in different villages.
Assignment had the destination on the right and assignment was considered just another operator.
A bug will often spin around and walk on walls erratically, and bugs frequently procrastinate when given assignments.
Sliding fortunes in the season thereafter put an end to this assignment.
Although each received a fee, that fee is recompense for his time and talent otherwise devoted to private practice or other professional assignment.
An agent can perform assignments for his handler without crossing the line to what is prosecutable.
Students draw up time-tables and are responsible for finishing the work on their syllabuses or assignments.
The team was quickly captured and put on trial as spies, rather than prisoners-of-war, due to the nature of their assignment.
This period also involves assignments to regional health units for hands-on instruction in community health.

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