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Übersetzungen für anymore im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für anymore

I can't take anymore!

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He realized that there was not much demand for opera styles anymore.
But after several concert on the stadium, the owner decided that the next year they would not be any music concert anymore.
As he never plays anymore, the best thing he can do is mouth off to the media.
He couldn't reach his level of the start of the competition anymore and had to grow slowly to his former level of football again.
They are however not being used for front line duty anymore and are replaced by metal magazines.
They are not only a school nurse anymore.
Pudge realizes that this doesn't matter, their letting her go doesn't matter as much anymore.
The well-lit ambit and well-equipped stages are not difficult things to achieve anymore.
Now they have landed here, with a clip-art book cover, a cheap binding, and a $12 stamp to send it to a book critic who doesn't even really review fiction anymore.
I did nt want to live like that anymore.

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