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Übersetzungen für anymore im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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any·more [Am ˌeniˈmɔ:r] ADV inv Am

anymore → any

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Many items are not allowed to be dumped at all anymore.
Although he couldn't paint anymore, he wrote letters to his family which he supplemented with illustrations.
They are not only a school nurse anymore.
When we are aware of our true nature, the individual ego does not operate anymore, hence the outcome is equanimity.
The island does not appear on many maps anymore, but it can be seen on some of the most precise online maps.
There was no one coming out the back door anymore.
The villagers do not have to rummage in the dark nights anymore as electricity has been availed for them.
His hand stays sensitive to touch and temperature, but does not move anymore.
In this show lost luggage, of which the owner could not be identified anymore, was auctioned to the candidates.
He couldn't reach his level of the start of the competition anymore and had to grow slowly to his former level of football again.

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