Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für begging im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Polnisch » Englisch)

II . beg <-gg-> [beg] VERB intr

1. beg (seek charity):

3. beg (sit up):


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

One source relates that, during the siege's bleakest days, the young prince would wander about the castle garrison, begging the servants and men-at-arms for bits of bread.
Each divine being is assigned special shapes, colors, and/or identifying objects, such as lotus, conch-shell, thunderbolt, and begging bowl.
Martin's prose is concise but pithy, begging to be devoured over and over again.
He established a house where he wisely tended to the needs of the sick poor, at first doing his own begging.
She described dishes as refreshing and interesting, visually stunning, and begging to be savored, but was not completely satisfied.
Chicks initially cheep weakly, but soon develop a "tyk-tyk-trik" begging call.
I was begging him to stop, but he pinned me down and put a coat hanger under my lip and began pulling it.
Everybody was obliged to work; loafing and begging were rejected.
Their women made a living from peddling, begging, and fortune-telling.
A mendicant usually has a begging bowl and pair of tongs, which are useful for kindling afire.

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