Englisch » Polnisch

I . front [frʌnt] SUBST

1. front kein Pl (forward-facing part):

przód m
front of building
front m
front of procession
czoło nt
front of book
on one's front

2. front (front area):

the front
przód m
at/in/on the front
z przodu
at/in/on the front

3. front (ahead of sb or sth):

in front
z przodu
in front of sth/sb

4. front (appearance):

to put on [or show] a [bold] front
to be a front for sth

5. front t. MILIT, POL (area of activity):

front m

6. front ugs (in advance):

up front
z góry

7. front (seafront):

the front
the front of lake, river
brzeg m

8. front METEO:


II . front [frʌnt] ADJ

1. front (at the front):

front door
front door
front garden
z przodu

2. front ugs (hiding illegalities):

a front organization

III . front [frʌnt] VERB trans

1. front (face onto at front):

to front sth

2. front passive (put facade on):

3. front (present):


front for VERB trans

front door SUBST

front door

front light SUBST

front line SUBST t. MILIT

front line
front m

front office SUBST

front page SUBST

front page

front-page ADJ

front runner SUBST

front runner
faworyt(ka) m (f)

polar front SUBST

shop front SUBST

at the shop front

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The declaration established gender equality in front of the law and the right of women to political participation, education, work, freedom of movement and speech.
Coz you'll be sneaking up on crooks from in front of them, with your tail lights off, not.
It was worn with the standard fieldgrey "fallschirmjger" trousers with either front lacing paratrooper or cleated mountain boots.
Sometimes, orangutans will strip leaves from a branch and hold them in front of their mouth when making the sound.
The front-end skirt design was modified during 2010.
The counterpanes were sometimes very costly, generally purple embroidered with figures in gold; and rich hangings fell to the ground masking the front.
The "tire pressure differential" strategy offered the disadvantage that owners and mechanics could inadvertently but easily re-introduce oversteer characteristics by over-inflating the front tires.
It features a small, richly ornamented arched front porch supported by coupled square columns.
The front belt drive is tensioned by a spring-loaded tensioner pulley incorporating a hydraulic damping element.
In 1930 there followed a model with a front mounted engine and front-wheel drive.

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