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Übersetzungen für humor im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Polnisch » Englisch)

humor SUBST AM

humor → humour

Siehe auch: humour , humour

humour2 [ˈhju:məʳ, Am -ɚ] VERB trans

humour1 [ˈhju:məʳ, Am -ɚ] SUBST kein Pl

1. humour (capacity for amusement):

humor m

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Although, the research was unable to prove rats have a sense of humor, it did indicate that they can laugh and express joy.
She writes on religion, society and lifestyle issues, and is known to inject a sense of humour in her writing.
Much of the word-level humour is based on mistranslation.
She is noted for the humor she injects into her stories.
The show was sold out and received high praise from community members for its tasteful humor.
A party spokesperson said that it would half humorous, half serious and use humor to make a serious point.
He was known for the liberal use of humor and sarcasm in his polemical speeches.
Humour is a main feature of the series, with many of the actors playing up their high-camp characters.
All of the articles are written with humour but often with some serious undertone.
He enjoys dark humor and painful penetration to himself and others.

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