Englisch » Polnisch

I . send off VERB trans

1. send off letter, goods:

2. send off Brit player:

send-off SUBST

Beispielsätze für send off

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

That's what you get for not giving me a proper send off.
This send off happened in the last two minutes of the match and took no further part in that match.
She is later able to send off an energy wave soon after her regeneration.
The third part is the last rites which are held to send off the spirits to heaven.
He's able to give his daughters a good send off and watches them leave content.
He was given a rousing send off by the students, nearly 1,000 surrounding him as he made his way to the station.
Here, visitors learn how colors help animals attract one another, blend into their surroundings or send off warning signals.
I managed to send off about 200 or so letters.
The skillbuilders send off their delegates with words of encouragement and a call to remember what they've learned and apply those lessons to their lives.
It was an emotional send off for all: the people's band that played only for their love of music, and those who loved their music.

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