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Übersetzungen für send out im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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send out for VERB intr

send out for pizza:

Beispielsätze für send out

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I think it's a good message to send out because it's not such a big deal to lots of people.
At the first successful test the rocket reached heights of 50 kilometers and could send out its payload at speeds of 1.2 km per second.
For unknown reasons, he returned to his post alone and continued to send out urgent telegraph messages to stop the train.
So once again, the elders decided to send out people to find this land of abundance.
The purpose was to send out medical doctors as trained missionaries to serve anywhere in the world.
When manually activated, or automatically activated upon immersion, such beacons send out a distress signal.
For example a phased array antenna can send out a beam that is extremely thin.
He decides to send out a clean container to test the waters.
They will send out an ultrasonic noise directed where aimed.
The editors will send out new books to recognized scholars for reviews that usually run 500 to 1000 words.

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